9 Totally Usable, Totally Attainable Writing Tips from Amanda Gambill

"If you haven’t heard of Amanda Gambill yet, you’re in for a real treat! At first, I thought it was her delectable book covers that drew me in. Then, upon closer inspection I thought maybe it was her rom-com-style books with relatable characters and swoon-worth love stories. But, it didn’t take me long to realize that what I like best about Amanda is her gumption. I’m serious!

She tells it like it is when someone makes a shady move in her DM. She candidly shares insider tips on self-publishing. She is real, is what I’m trying to say! Amanda Gambill says what we need to hear ... 

Amanda has published 3 books, plus a novella, and has plenty more stories in her from the sounds of it! She has a marketing background, which is pretty obvious based on her brilliant merchandise, annotated copies of her books, and the entire way she runs her social media accounts. We can all learn a lot from Amanda’s journey, but let’s start with 9 takeaways from my recent interview with her." 

Check out my interview with L.A. Wehner on "9 Totally Usable, Totally Attainable Writing Tips from Best-Sellling Rom-Com Author Amanda Gambill.

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